Interesting Article: Cellular Resolution Panretinal Imaging of Optogenetic Probes Using a Simple Funduscope

An interesting paper by Adi Schejter, Limor Tsur, Nairouz Farah, Inna Reutsky-Gefen, Yishay Falick, and Shy Shoham published an interesting paper that shows in vivo fluorescent images with cellular resolution using optogenetic probes expressed in retinal ganglion cells by adapting a simple endoscope as a low cost fundoscopic imaging system. The authors were able to …

Interesting Article: On the Perception, Production And Function Of Blue Colouration In Animals

Kate D. L. Umbers has published an interesting manuscript, titled “On the perception, production and function of blue colouration in animals”.  Its available for free at the Journal of Zoology here and covers those studies that have proposed a function for blue coloration in the animal kingdom, taking a multi-disciplinary approach before taking you on a …