Given the unanticipated grant writing duties, I was not sure that ARVO 2017 was going to happen for me this year. Attending the meeting can be expensive, and I was not sure I wanted to see the person responsible for killing a 40 year continuously funded retinal circuitry grant who clearly had a personal bone to pick with us. This was disappointing to me on many levels. I’ve also been frustrated with the increasingly clinical focus of ARVO and the apparent marginalization of retina in these meetings. It seems as though the multiple days of photoreceptors, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, horizontal cells and ganglion cells, not to mention glia, just are not programmed in as much anymore. While at the same time, retina seems to be picking up in Europe. I don’t know what the solution is, but I am always glad that I attend ARVO regardless. So, I managed to get a cheap flight and a $50/night Air B&B over by Johns Hopkins Hospital, one block away from Season 1 of The Wire. No kidding, it was the kind of neighborhood that you did not walk through at night.
What follows is a sampling of images of friends and places around the meeting this year in Baltimore, MD.