6th Annual Photowalking Utah Christmas Lights Photowalk


Tonight’s Photowalking Utah event was the 6th annual get together down at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah to photograph the Christmas light displays.  It was another cold evening, and in fact, I don’t think we’ve ever had one of these where the temperature has been above freezing.


Photowalking Group Shot by David Daniels

Despite the cold, the turnout was good as evidenced by David Daniels group shot above.  David was kind enough to let me repost his image for this post.  You can check out other photos from attendees in the Flickr Photowalking Group as they are uploaded.  The founders of Photowalking Utah were represented by Rich (next to me in the image above) and I.  We missed a number of other folks including Ann Torrence, Scott Smith, Harley and Diane, but there were some new faces there tonight as well as plenty of old friends.



Given that this is the 6th year we’ve done this, the scenery has not changed much, so I went looking for new forms this year and was pleased to see that the lights in the trees have an organic appearance which makes sense I suppose given that they are tied along the tree branches, but I was reminded of the abstract image I made of neurons and microglia in the brain back in June.  I had dropped the exposure down to where you could just barely make out the tree branches, effectively segmenting the lights and then opened up the aperture to give it some depth for these shots to mimic those images of neurons as much as possible.  Kinda fun.




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