Retinal Fundus Images, Ground Truth of Vascular Bifurcations and Crossovers

The vasculature of the eye can provide amazing insight into systemic cardiovascular health.  For those studying the vasculature of the eye as an indicator of pathophysiological states, normative ground truth datasets become critically important.  Recently, George Azzopardi and Nicolai Petkov have made their annotated database of ground truth imagery of vascular bifurcations and crossovers in …

Notable Paper: Localization of Melatonin Receptor 1 in Mouse Retina and Its Role in the Circadian Regulation of the Electroretinogram and Dopamine Levels

I’ve watched the development of the circadian rhythm research starting with Joe Takahashi‘s work discovering CLOCK in the mammalian SCN back in 1994.  Since then there has been an explosion of circadian rhythm biology work including an I suppose, unsurprising amount of research in the retina proper. This paper by Anamika Sengupta, Kenkichi Baba, Francesca Mazzoni, Nikita V. Pozdeyev, Enrica …